Thursday 2 October 2014

YOU are AMAZING Just The Way YOU Are. Don't Let NO ONE Tell YOU Otherwise

Just a little reminder to tell you how amazing you are! Often times in life we move forward not acknowledging what makes us shine and what makes us glitter! So if you haven’t already, please take this time now to tell yourself now. “I AM AMAZING”
It becomes easy to focus  and get caught up on what doesn’t exist in our life and the potential we aren’t living up to as we go about our day. While that might be normal, it sure doesn’t make it right.
It’s important that we take time out daily to love and nurture the good, the great and the beautiful that lies within us all. When we do so, we bring value and strength into who we are as a person and the choices we make, we rarely regret.

Doing small things that have impeccable value will help remind you of what makes you and this life amazing. Here are a few ideas, but I’m sure you can add to the list and create something that works for you!
- Reflect on the good that exist in your life.
- Make mental notes of what you are grateful for.
- Share your light with others. When was the last time you told someone else how amazing they have been in your life and you just wanted to say thank you.
- Write down a list of affirmations that point to why you are amazing and tape it to your mirror.
However you choose to do, just make sure you do it. Purpose driven action is what motivates the brilliance in us all!

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